From ANCOP member's point of view on how NOISE affects the quality of life of the vulnerable, helpless Filipinos who are a victim of some inconsiderate Noisy/Noise Polluters obnoxious neighbors/pinoy.
"Is 10pm still a thing?
Not by some people, Crawling bass of the videoke machine plus the the tiredly drunk singing singer that must've sang the whole album all day , but come past 10pm they must've think no ones stoping them so they keep hauling their drunking voices followed by some shouts cheering and sometimes loud reving of a small engine with an exgeratedly loud aftermarket muffler that was only of noise but not performance , and with that so the could fetch another crate of beer just to be more in the drunkness of the night ,even tho the disregard to others who's trying to get some well deserved rest are being disturbed , as long as they enjoy every minute of what occasion they have as if there is no next time.
There's a lot more that i wish to say , but come to the complaints ,if only one will do it that one will be hated and think stuff of, some begin to think how can they actually endure that sheer noise and disturbance wich sometimes reaches up to 2am even tho one song ends then 3seconds, those precious seconds of silence thinking it may have took an end of what i call noise, but then it plays another song to be sung by a tired throated singer got nothing but a beer and a mic on its hands.
I feel quite sorry for the seniors who's trying to sleep quitely they deserve all the peace and quiet because some of them have a hard time sleeping , yet they have senior parents as well but still its way past 10pm not a single senior shutting them up .
Is that how to raise children these days ?
By letting them do what they think is right ,wich they saw some rated movies somewhere in the internet ,but disregarding the proper manners of the so-called disciplined people."